Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jason Kenney talk disrupted in Ottawa!

On Thursday February 25th, Jason Kenney's evening address to the Carleton Campus Conservatives was thoroughly disrupted by members of No One Is Illegal-Ottawa and other Ottawa activists.

A small group of people made their way into the talk, which started 30 minutes late, and proceeded to disrupt the whole event by confronting Kenney about his racist track record as minister of immigration and multiculturalism. After 15 minutes of being constantly interrupted by questions about recent deportations, racist comments and the anti-immigrant policies of the Immigrant and Refugee Board, Kenney was forced to end his talk early, amidst a loud chorus of "Deport Jason Kenney!"

This comes in the same week as Tadamon announced a compiled list of 500 Montreal based artists in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel movement, and the same night as OCAP disrupted a Liberal party fundraiser.
It was a good week to be on the right side of the struggle.